What is crack Filling?
Crack Filling is a process in which a rubber compound is heated and filled into exposed cracks on an asphalt pavement surface. This is a cost effective process that is used to help maintain the lifespan of parking lots and roadways. Hot Rubber is used because it has the ability to expand and contract as the pavement moves throughout the four seasons of the year. The product is heated to 350 degrees F and creates an air tight seal between the exposed sub base and the asphalt walls.
What is the most destructive substance to asphalt?
Water is the most destructive force to an asphalt surface. It begins with a small crack and as water enters the sub base and freezes it causes the asphalt to heave and cause more cracking. By proactively filling cracks as they appear we can minimize the destructive purpose of water and double the lifespan of the asphalt surface.
The Process?
We begin our process by doing a site check and determining which cracks are viable for repair. Once this is complete we use a routing machine to clean the targeted cracks while our hot rubber compound is heating up. Once the cracks are cleaned and ready we begin to pour the product in and smooth the cracks flat with a trowel. The rubber hardens within minutes and can be driven on almost immediately. This whole process is referred to as a “Route and Seal”
Cracks that can’t be sealed?
When cracks have gotten really bad in a specific area we call it “spider cracking”. When this occurs crack filler will not work. At this point your best option is to have us cut out the affected area and re pave it with hot asphalt.